
Projects, Games and more!

Helm Hunt
28th Apr 2023

Helm Hunt is back!

Temporary location right across the bridge to the minigame district.

Very simple game if you were not here on the last map.

Instructions Look at the current clue in ⁠event-chat. Look for The Helm using the clue. (It's the same as the heads around the build) Once you find it, you can take a reward from the barrel. Hide The Helm somewhere around spawn (Any areas circled in yellow on dynmap, and the rivers between them.) Post a clue in ⁠event-chat about where it is hid. (If it has not been found after ~a week then post another clue.)

When hiding The Helm, make sure it is put on an armor stand, in an item frame, or in a container. Do not place The Helm

Hope to see you all soon!


CAPS Events
28th Apr 2023

Introducing CAPS (Crafted Anti Procrastination Society)

Is that big dig getting you down? Maybe you need to clear of forest and can't find the motivation! Don't despair because CAPS is there!

CAPS, the Crafted Anti Procrastination Society, is a new organisation here to help you get your big project of the ground. We know how hard it can be to endlessly mine sand, dig rocks or clear ocean when working alone, don't suffer in silence give CAPS a call and we will help make your dreams a reality.

Are you currently between projects? The why not become a CAPS volunteer and give back to the community, nothing gives you that warm glow like helping others. If that warm glow isn't enough there is even more, each volunteer will receive a credit for a 1/4 chunk in the exclusive residential district. The only way to get land in the Residential District is through giving back to the Crafted Community. Once you have 4 or more credits you will be able to claim a spot in the Residential Districts at Spawn (don't forget you can combine these with your friends if communal living is your dream).

Offices coming soon to SpawnTown

Stop procrastinating today do it the CAPS way!